"ØLali, the first Artificial Artist, transposes music into Living Sculpture. Living Sculpture is evolving, abstract and audio-reactive. Voices, percussion, instruments and notes become movements, colors and forces. The interactive, immersive experience offered by the Living Sculpture extends the scope of the musical work, inviting the spectator to listen to the music in a different way, and thus increasing their freedom of interpretation tenfold. ØLali focuses on two activities: - ØLali LIVE - VJing Live Sculpture at events, - ØLali ARTWORK - generating a unique Living Sculpture from music. We actively collaborate with various artists (musicians, dancers, stylists) to continually bring new applications and functionalities to our algorithm."
"""Fusion"" by ØLali is a captivating creation, born from the unique blend of art and music, where Gábor Szűcs, an emerging artist, provides the canvas with his vibrant painting, while his friend, Patrik Bittera, adds a soulful soundtrack, harmonizing with the visuals. This testament to the transformative power of artistic collaboration invites viewers to not only witness but to also hear the story behind the brushstrokes and notes, forging a mesmerizing connection between sight and sound that is sure to leave a lasting impression."