The Enchanted Hour
Ryan Koopmans
’The Enchanted Hour' is a dynamic artwork that merges reality and imagination, centered around the concept of time - a modern twist on the traditional cuckoo clock.
The artist

Ryan Koopmans and his partner Alice Wexell are artists who specialize in the visual revival of abandoned architecture. Using a range of creative techniques, they transform real-world physical spaces into captivating digital environments that blur the boundaries between reality and fiction. Ryan Koopmans (BA, MFA) is a Canadian-Dutch lens-based artist who is passionate about the built environment and its relationship with society. He has been a full-time professional artist and photographer since 2007 whose work is collected, published & exhibited worldwide. In 2020, Koopmans published ‘Vantage’, a book that showcases surreal structures in megacities and urban landscapes. Alice Wexell is a Swedish 3D artist and photographer interested in experiencing and creating surreal environments through new technologies. Over the past decade, Wexell has worked alongside Koopmans on digital art and photography projects all over the world. Their acclaimed project, The Wild Within, explores the intricate relationship between nature, architecture, and time.

Ryan Koopmans and his partner Alice Wexell are artists who specialize in the visual revival of abandoned architecture. Using a range of creative techniques, they transform real-world physical spaces into captivating digital environments that blur the boundaries between reality and fiction.

Ryan Koopmans (BA, MFA) is a Canadian-Dutch lens-based artist who is passionate about the built environment and its relationship with society. He has been a full-time professional artist and photographer since 2007 whose work is collected, published & exhibited worldwide. In 2020, Koopmans published ‘Vantage’, a book that showcases surreal structures in megacities and urban landscapes.

Alice Wexell is a Swedish 3D artist and photographer interested in experiencing and creating surreal environments through new technologies. Over the past decade, Wexell has worked alongside Koopmans on digital art and photography projects all over the world. Their acclaimed project, The Wild Within, explores the intricate relationship between nature, architecture, and time.


’The Enchanted Hour' is a dynamic artwork that merges reality and imagination, centered around the concept of time - a modern twist on the traditional cuckoo clock. Every hour, an owl emerges from the painting, soaring through the room and hooting to mark the time. Every day, at both 7am and 7pm, the artwork transitions between day and night, synchronizing with the viewer's location. This artwork originated from images captured during Koopmans & Wexell's exploration of a 400-year-old abandoned villa in Northern Italy. Inspired by its overgrown beauty, timeless structure, and interplay of light, they artfully blended reality and imagination, fusing nature and architecture through photography and animation. Employing cutting-edge technology, the artwork pays homage to classical subject matter while pushing the boundaries of artistic expression. The ongoing decay of the physical building adds further relevance to the theme of time's passage and the cycle of growth and decay. Through re-contextualization in the digital realm, the artists breathe new life into this architectural marvel, preserving it on the blockchain for eternity.

’The Enchanted Hour' is a dynamic artwork that merges reality and imagination, centered around the concept of time - a modern twist on the traditional cuckoo clock.

Every hour, an owl emerges from the painting, soaring through the room and hooting to mark the time.

Every day, at both 7am and 7pm, the artwork transitions between day and night, synchronizing with the viewer's location.

This artwork originated from images captured during Koopmans & Wexell's exploration of a 400-year-old abandoned villa in Northern Italy.

Inspired by its overgrown beauty, timeless structure, and interplay of light, they artfully blended reality and imagination, fusing nature and architecture through photography and animation.

Employing cutting-edge technology, the artwork pays homage to classical subject matter while pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.

The ongoing decay of the physical building adds further relevance to the theme of time's passage and the cycle of growth and decay.

Through re-contextualization in the digital realm, the artists breathe new life into this architectural marvel, preserving it on the blockchain for eternity.





#Digital Painting, #3D Modeling & Sculpting, #Photography, #Animation
#Photo Manipulation, #3D Modeling, #Digital Sculpting, #3D Rendering, #Motion Graphics
#Graphic Tablet, #Photoshop, #Blender, #Digital carmeras, #DSLRs, #mirrorless cameras, #Lightroom, #Animate
#Realism, #Surrealism, #Fanstasy
