Alexis Bourdillat is the passionate French photographer behind WeLockLove, dedicated to capturing the profound emotions of people. In 2013, at the age of 20, Alexis embarked on a remarkable journey, spending six months capturing the love messages engraved in the iconic padlocks attached to the Pont des Arts in Paris, famously known as the LoveLock Bridge. With firm determination, he meticulously photographed each individual lovelock and precisely located them on the bridge, immortalizing an astounding total of 36,979 messages!
Ever wondered what you would inscribe on a lovelock? Your names? But do they truly capture your feelings? The lovelock's enduring symbol prompts reflection: how do you want your message to be remembered? People exhibit remarkable creativity, demonstrating originality in selecting nicknames and symbols. Their drawing prowess is truly exceptional. 'Love's Echoes on Enchanted Locks' offers a captivating glimpse into the most inspiring tokens captured on the Pont des Arts in Paris in 2013, a cherished part of WeLockLove's curated collection.