Multidisciplinary contemporary artist. Member of National Pastel Society 2019. Member of "All SHE Makes" and "Where are the women artists" community. Participant of many international contests, expositions, street art and graffiti festivals. Two-time prizewinner of American Art Awards. She is experimenting with different techniques in surrealism styles. The most brilliant arts have been done with dry pastel on paper. Physical paintings are in private collections around the world. Nft art is in the collection of Misan Harriman (Tezos Foundation) and Laurence Fuller (Block Party).
«Human becomes dust, dust becomes human». People are like an hourglass. Life flows through our fingers like sand. The only way to slow down the process of disintegration and prolong the time of conscious stay in a fragile physical shell is to fill yourself with new knowledge, experience, events, food for the mind and body. Time will run out anyway, "dust", as a memory and legacy, will become a part of other people. For me, this work is about strength, the need to keep an inner core and concentrate on the present moment. Life is finite and there is fear and pain in it. But there is love, happiness and an incredible amount of opportunities that you need to give yourself with your own hands. While time is passing. P.S. The title of the work is a tribute to Salvador Dali, who died on the day and year of my birth.